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Lien Resolution

Lien Resolution

Resolution of Healthcare Liens – The Problem for Plaintiff Personal Injury Law Firms

You might ask yourself, why hire experts to assist with lien resolution when I can do it myself.  You also might ask whether it is ethically permissible to outsource lien resolution to a lien resolution company.  The first question is quite simple to answer and the second one requires a little more examination of the rules regulating lawyers.

The problem really starts with the responsibilities a law firm has at the beginning of each new case as it pertains to liens.  I use lien synonymously with subrogation, reimbursement, and debts here even though there are differences.  Given the law, a law firm must track liens that are asserted against their client’s personal injury claim and in some instances will have an affirmative duty to investigate and identify possible liens (Medicare & Medicare Advantage plans are good examples).

The law firm must determine whether a lien holder’s claim has merit and is legally valid.  To reach resolution, this requires a law firm to have significant contact and interaction with a variety of lien holders along with recovery vendors.  At the conclusion of the case, it frequently requires protracted negotiations to reach an agreement to resolve the claims made by a lien holder or recovery vendor against a settlement, judgment, or verdict.  The bigger issue, given the distractions it creates, is that law firms frequently wait too long to begin to negotiate a reimbursement to a lien holder which can delay disbursement to the injury victim.  All the foregoing creates pressure on law firms to outsource lien resolution functions.

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2420 S. Lakemont Ave., Suite 160
Orlando, FL 32814

About Our Firm

Special Needs Law Firm is a boutique practice focused specifically on two specialized areas of the law: Special Needs Settlement Planning (Pubilc Benefit Preservation) and Lien Litigation.

Synergy Settlement Services allows trial lawyers to focus on what they do best by handling the difficult issues at settlement such as lien resolution, Medicare Secondary Payer Compliance, public benefit preservation, settlement planning and tax deferral of contingent legal fees.