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Scales of justice on desk

In this episode of TLV, I talk with Ken Hardison of Hardison & Cochran and founder of PILMMA, a powerful innovative legal marketing and management association. We discuss how his desire to help people and own his own business led to his career in trial law. As part of our discussion, he talks about how that has transitioned into his love for coaching and mentoring other lawyers. We also discuss the importance of having a team that aligns with your core values along with the three barriers of growth of your law firm.

Ken Hardison, is known as the “Millionaire Maker” for a reason. He has helped lawyers across the country triple or quadruple their law practices and income by bringing them the insights, knowledge, and critical strategies of Legal Marketing and Management that can only be learned in the trenches of real law firm success. With over 30 years of legal experience, Ken has personally grown and sold two seven-figure law firms and has shared his knowledge and experience with attorneys, helping them experience exponential growth, increased profits, and ethical market preeminence.

Ken Hardison
Legal Marketing and Management Consultant

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